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What does AEON mean?
At Aeon, we believe that life is not just about achieving a final goal, but it's the journey that gets you there. The name Aeon itself, which means timeless in latin, reflects our philosophy of embracing the present moment and living our lives to the fullest.
Ready for progress
We encourage our community to focus on the small progress they make every day because we believe that with constant and consistent steps, we can transform our lives. Our slogan - Ready for progress, is a call to action for everyone to take that step towards a better life.
What does logo represent?
Our logo represents an unpolished diamond, showing the value that each of us gains through the process of self-improvement. The more we work on ourselves and enjoy the journey, the more valuable we become.
What we stand for
At Aeon, we're not just a sportswear brand - we're a community that values progress, hard work, and self-improvement. We are here to support you on your journey, and to remind you that every small step you take is worth celebrating.

We were both involved in amateur and professional sports even before we've met. We think this was the first foundation of our relationship, and it was the love and passion for the sports and each other that started our journey as well.
Since we were both daily in the gym and following the fitness trends, we quickly realised the gap in sportswear industry. There were so many brands we were just craving to own but our student budget couldn't possibly afford, so we decided to do something about it.

This was the first time that we both just took a leap of faith and trusted that everything will work out. We wanted to create something we can be proud of, something that can make a difference.
Instead of buying a car, we've put all of our savings in the first stock of Aeon Athletics and took a leap in the whole different world. Our home quickly became a warehouse that would need to handle more and more stocks everyday. This is how our living room looked like for Christmas.

After that, everything was about Aeon. At the same time, in the real world, we both had two jobs and were at college, so we had to make it work somehow. An 16 hour work day was normal, so we weren't able to 100% focus on Aeon.
We moved our first office and started to work less and less on other jobs and more on Aeon. It was risky at the time, but still the best decision we could ever make.

With faith and hard work, each problem got solved and made us even better. With time, the team got bigger, we improved the service, we improved the quality and step by step we took Aeon to the next level.
We moved to the new Aeon HQ where we can finally expand our team and our brand the way that we want to.

Fast forward few years we are still here. Still grinding, still struggling, still trusting the process. But most of all, still ready for progress.
You can be anyone or anything that you've ever desired to be. Don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise. You've got this!
Anže and Nastja, founders of Aeon Athletics
We were both involved in amateur and professional sports even before we've met. We think this was the first foundation of our relationship, and it was the love and passion for the sports and each other that started our journey as well.
Since we were both daily in the gym and following the fitness trends, we quickly realised the gap in sportswear industry. There were so many brands we were just craving to own but our student budget couldn't possibly afford, so we decided to do something about it.
This was the first time that we both just took a leap of faith and trusted that everything will work out. We wanted to create something we can be proud of, something that can make a difference.
Instead of buying a car, we've put all of our savings in the first stock of Aeon Athletics and took a leap in the whole different world. Our home quickly became a warehouse that would need to handle more and more stocks everyday. This is how our living room looked like for Christmas.
After that, everything was about Aeon. At the same time, in the real world, we both had two jobs and were at college, so we had to make it work somehow. An 16 hour work day was normal, so we weren't able to 100% focus on Aeon.
We moved our first office and started to work less and less on other jobs and more on Aeon. It was risky at the time, but still the best decision we could ever make.
With faith and hard work, each problem got solved and made us even better. With time, the team got bigger, we improved the service, we improved the quality and step by step we took Aeon to the next level.
We moved to the new Aeon HQ where we can finally expand our team and our brand the way that we want to.
Fast forward few years we are still here. Still grinding, still struggling, still trusting the process. But most of all, still ready for progress.
You can be anyone or anything that you've ever desired to be. Don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise. You've got this!
Anže and Nastja, founders of Aeon Athletics


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